Analizadores, Etiquetadores y Clasificadores


Suite of Syntactico-Semantic Analyzers. Includes a named-entity recognizer, a syntactic chunker, a POS tagger, and a “smart” tokenizer. All processors are learned...


This is a Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) tool based on Conceptual Density.

COMPAS (COMpiler for PArsing Schemata)

COMPAS (COMpiler for PArsing Schemata) is a system that can be used to automatically compile formal specifications of parsing algorithms (in the form of

Dependency Grammar for Catalan

Catalan dependency grammar consists of a set of 2,914 rules, of which 2,565 complete the parse tree by creating dependencies and the remaining 349 label these dependencies....

Dependency Grammar for English

Dependency rules for the English grammar amount to circa 1606. Rules have been provided for all major kinds of clauses: declaratives, imperatives, interrogatives, completives,...

Dependency Grammar for Spanish

Spanish dependency grammar consists of a set of 4349 rules, of which 3777 complete the parse tree by creating dependencies and the remaining 572 label these dependencies. These...

DrugDDI Extractor System

We have developed a system that combines IE techniques. In particular, we have proposed two different approximations for the extraction of DDIs from texts. The first...


Eihera is a system for Named Entity recognition and classification in written Basque. The system is designed in four steps: first, the development of a recognizer based on...


Eustagger is a robust and wide-coverage morphological analyser and a Part-of-Speech tagger for Basque. The analyser is based on the two-level formalism and has been designed in...


The FreeLing package is a library providing language analysis services. FreeLing is designed to be used as an external library from any application requiring this kind of...


PoS Tagger que está basado en el algoritmo de HMM implementado an la herramienta ACOPOST. Está entrenado para el español con el corpus CLIP-TALP.


Zatiak performs shallow syntactic analysis of a sentence. This program reads an input text and, after morphological processing, identifies pieces of text (chunks). Each chunk...


Jointparser is a data-driven parser that jointly performs both syntactic dependency parsing and shallow semantic parsing. The system is based on an extension of the Eisner...


LangIdent is a Markov-Model based language identifier under GPL license.


A dependency parser we establish the dependency-based grammatical relations (subject, object, modifier, etc.) between the components within the clause in order to obtain a...


The MOSTAS system (MOrpho-Semantic Tagger, Anonymizer and SpellChecker for biomedical texts) preprocesses Clinical Reports in order to facilitate information retrieval tasks...


NERUA es un sistema de reconocimiento de entidades para el español. Realiza el etiquetado de las entidades en cuatro categorías: PERSONA, LOCALIZACION, ORGANIZACION y...


Herramienta basada en corpus para la anotación con roles semánticos de los constituyentes de una oración respecto al verbo. Conjunto de roles: PropBank. Corpus...


Es un Sistema de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural orientado al análisis sintáctico (completo o parcial) y a la resolución de la anáfora. Éste sistema puede incorporar...

SVM Model for Arabic NER

A Named Entity Recognition model which is trained using an SVM-based approach over a 125,000 Arabic tokens training file.